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Absolute Steel Hybrid 211 Catalytic Combustor (K-530 w flange)

Absolute Steel Hybrid 211 Catalytic Combustor (K-530 w flange)
Absolute Steel Hybrid 211 Catalytic Combustor (K-530 w flange)
List Price $175.00
  • Weight: 3.00lbs
  • Dimensions: 11.25in x 7.00in x 2.38in

The Absolute Steel Hybrid 211 Catalytic Combustor is made of a durable stainless steel substrate. The catalytic coating gives the combustor a mottled appearance. The Absolute Steel Hybrid combustor comes with a stainless steel flange that forms a seal to the gasket below.

The EPA warranty on catalytic combustor failure covers free replacement for the firest three years from the date of stove shipment. Years 4-6 have a prorated discount ranging from 36%-20%. Call us at 1-800-866-4344 to order if your stove is less than 6 years old.