29 Jul2016/i>
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Thank you Popular Mechanics! What a lovely article.
The February, 2016 edition of Popular Mechanics, page 52-53, has a nice two-page spread on our Ideal Steel Hybrid stove entitled “A Beautiful Thing”.
The article focuses on the history of our second hybrid stove, the Ideal Steel Hybrid, and explains how hybrid combustion works. You will also see information on EPA regulations, old and new, and how the new EPA regulations are not a problem for us, as we have been meeting those since 1990!
You can find the February edition of Popular Mechanics on your local newsstand now. We hope to have an electronic link to the article soon. In the meantime, you can read the current article which is shown below. For further reading, there are two older stories about Woodstock Soapstone Co. on the Popular Mechanics website;